Why readers come to your author website and what they are most interested in seeing once they get there.
Author Blogging Part 1: Setting Up The Editor
Blogging gets a bad rap as a form of promotion for authors, but when used properly it can provide some surprisingly powerful long term benefits. First up, though, is to get your page and post editor set up properly in WordPress.
Sell More Books While Spending Less On Ads
Ever have one of the things happen in your life that completely challenges your belief in something you had taken for truth? I have. For me, it was a cheeseburger, and it changed my entire concept of author websites and book marketing.
ModFarm April Update
We’ve been busy making some big changes since our last update in January. The focus has been to improve functionality, increase our metrics, improve speed, and to completely revamp our Client Portal.
Author Websites vs Amazon
We take a look into the data to see if it’s better for authors to share links to their website or directly to Amazon.
Why You Should Never Use A Newsletter Provider’s Landing Page
That free custom landing page option that newsletter companies offer isn’t for your benefit, it’s for theirs. Here’s how that trap works and how you are better without it.