Your author website isn’t going to perform properly if it’s not maintained.
At ModFarm, in addition to making sure the plugins are up to date and you’re running the most current software, we take it a little bit further.
Here is how we manage your author website at ModFarm.

With full SSL protection, daily file scans, and nightly backups, we go the extra mile to ensure your site is safe for you and your readers.

We smush images, minimize code, cache content, and leverage high speed servers with a global CDN to make your sites responsive and nimble.

Latest plugin updates, security patches, and code versions ensure your site works well and safely. We even update your books.

We monitor your site’s performance as well as it’s code, and we’ll contact you with ideas and strategies to help you get even more out of your website.
ModFarm handles the technical aspect of your digital platform so you can stay focused on your writing and your readers.